Delicatessen is a term meaning "delicacies" or "fine foods". The word entered English via German, with the old German spelling (modern German:Delikatessen), plural of Delikatesse "delicacy", ultimately from Latin delicatus.
The term delicatessen has a secondary meaning in some countries, referring to stores that sell delicatessen; the word delicatessen thus also is used as a shortened term for delicatessen store. Sometimes this is further shorted to the informal term deli.

In the United States

Most delicatessens in the United States have a sandwich menu, most of which are made to order behind the counter at the time of sale. Delicatessens sellcold cuts by weight and prepare party trays..Read Full Article

In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Romania, "Delikatessen" (as it is spelled in current German) has a rather different meaning; it..Read Full Article

In Canada, both uses of the term delicatessen are found. Immigrants from Europe often use the term in..

In most of Australia, delicatessen retains the standard European meaning. Large grocery supermarket chains often incorporate a specific deli department, and there is..Read Full Article

United States
In the United States, a delicatessen store, or deli, is a type of business that could be described as a synthesis of a grocery store and a fast-food restaurant. The delicatessen shop offers a wider and fresher menu than those found at chain fast food restaurants, rarely employing fry machines (except for chicken) and routinely preparing sandwiches to order..Read full Article

Urban affiliation

The North American delicatessen distribution is skewed towards cities, particularly older cities that are less car-oriented, thus favoring walk-in traffic. New York City is known for its delis, and many delicatessens outside of New York call themselves "New York-style delis" to evoke images of the traditional New York City delicatessen.